China Punishes Online Casino Players

China is almost the only country where gambling is still banned.
While other countries have regulated gambling locally and online to increase player protection, China continues to rely on punishments.
These affect not only the providers of online gambling but also the players.
Currently, those affected are offered immunity from punishment.
Cross-Border Gambling Targeted
Since 2020, the Chinese government has been cracking down even harder and has been able to identify 17,000 cross-border incidents.
In addition, 110,000 people have been questioned as suspects.
These figures illustrate how strictly China is cracking down on gambling.
After all, 3,400 gambling sites were found and shut down.
On top of that, 2,800 payment service providers are also being cracked down on.
While it is by no means new that China is trying to curb online gambling.
For this reason, Apple, for example, had to remove more than 25,000 apps related to gambling in 2018.
These were clearly gambling apps that, by law, should not be offered in China.
In these cases, companies like Google and Apple themselves would be obliged not to offer these apps at all.
Impunity and Protection for Gamblers
Those who turn themselves in are to get away without punishment.
This promise was made by the Chinese government just a few days ago.
To enjoy immunity from punishment, the report must be received by April 30 at the latest.
This is possible by e-mail, telephone, letter, or even verbally.
Who is offered the penalty exemption?
All players, operators of gambling providers, and employees of the companies.
The purpose is clear: to find and shut down as many online casino sites as possible.
For those who are afraid of consequences, the state assures protection.
However, it is important that clear evidence is given to guarantee that the gambling provider in question can be located.
This is the only way to win the fight against illegal gambling.
At the same time, the government hopes that the new measure will prevent more people from taking up gambling in the first place.
Further down the line, the government is taking stricter action against gambling trips.
These are enjoyed primarily by wealthy individuals who travel to other countries via junket operators and gamble there.
Such individuals will also be punished and at the same time will have to participate in an educational program.
The plan is also to make a penalty higher the stakes the players had.
Gambling Situation in China
In China, locals are only allowed to participate in the state lottery.
Gambling is prohibited, whether on-site or via the Internet.
In addition, travel abroad is prohibited.
Basically, casinos abroad are not allowed to admit players from China.
If such casinos are identified, for example, Crown in Australia, they will also be punished by their own country.
Crown has lost the license for the newly built casino due to the additional money laundering.
From this point of view, the casinos themselves should have an interest in not accepting people from China.
China's government also wants to increase its pressure on the surrounding countries.
With this idea, the casinos and online gamblers should also be sensitized.
Only a joint fight should be successful.
But why is China taking up the fight since 2020?
The Ministry of Public Security has published that 11 million Chinese participate in online gambling.
This is possible with over 9,000 casino mobile apps and last year at least 120 million euros were seized.
Although the government also took action against payment service providers last year, the problem seems to be far from solved.
This is also due to the fact that the banned payment service providers are offered via online shopping.
For this reason, not all of those involved can be detected immediately.
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, the problem is said to have increased fundamentally, which is why the Chinese government has now come up with the latest ideas.
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